Serial Feature + Review + Giveaway: Donut Shop Divas by Khloe Adams- Books 1-4

Donut Shop Diva serial bannerThe Donut Shop Divas Serial 

Books 1- 4

By Khloe Adams

Reviewed by Tina

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hot&glazed1Hot & Glazed

Book 1

Hard-working Miranda Hunter, donut shop diva and owner of HOT & GLAZED, is one frustrated girl. She needs to find a man to put the zip-a-dee back into her doo-dah. But not just any man will do. Long ago, she’d sworn off pro jocks with their cheating ways and groupies. She’d seen enough of it with her dad, a former pro defensive lineman, who’d played on and off the field and broken her mother’s heart.
When hot and delicious Aiden Knight walks into her donut shop, sprinkles and sparks fly. After an all-nighter of torching sex with the 6’5” hottie, Miranda discovers Aiden is a star quarterback. OMG! She’s broken her vow never to date pro athletes. Will she recover from her fumble and enforce her no jock rule, or will she continue to play the game with the sexy pro?



4 starMiranda co-owns HOT & GLAZED, a little bakery in Denver, Colorado with her younger sister, Rachel. Rachel is the wild and care-free baking and decorating genius while Miranda is the responsible caretaker of the duo and the financial genius of the business. As luck would have it, the morning Rachel is sick and can’t help prep to open, the OPEN sign was never turned off from the day before causing a giant super-hunk to come knocking too-early at the store’s front door – but willing to pay a small fortune for a dozen donuts. Her immediate attraction to Aiden has her acting out-of character.
Aiden Knight is a professional football player coming off of an injury. He’s in between teams currently and has a weakness for sweets. He doesn’t expect the immediate attraction to the little baker that opens the door nor the jolt of awareness when they make contact. Immediately, he knows he had to spend more time with her. He asks her to dinner… and one night, to make their hottest fantasies come true.
Be forewarned, length-wise, this is a micro-novella. It’s focus is on the introduction of characters and their night together. Miranda is supposed to be the responsible sister, but honestly the reader does not see too much of that here. Together they seem to have great chemistry. The dialogue is believable. The plot is a bit confined given the story length, but it has life in it and flows smoothly. I’m happy there’s no predictability thus far but there are underlying conflicts that cannot be resolved this early on, so they are left open; this “book” is only the first *part* of the story therefore does NOT have a conclusion, it carries into Hot & Lei’d.


hot&lei'd2Hot & Lei’d

Book 2

  After one delicious, sinful night in Denver, star quarterback Aiden Knight invites Miranda Hunter to Hawaii. Only Aiden has a reputation as a player – on and off the field – and she doesn’t want to be hurt. The smart move is to walk away. But she can’t get him out of her head. Risking her heart, this donut shop diva and owner of HOT & GLAZED packs up her bikini and a box of donuts from her shop and jets to Maui.

Aloha, Miranda! Under swaying palm trees on a moonlit beach, Aiden and Miranda feed their sexual hunger for each other. They share their deepest secrets.
And then…fumble! Miranda accidently reveals his darkest secret to the world. Will Miranda get a pass, or will she be tossed off Aiden’s team with a broken heart?



4 starMiranda meets up with Aiden again, this time in Hawaii, ten days later. He’s there to help promote the Hawaiian Youth Football League and asked her to join him. She had received a simple text, “Give me another chance.” and that was enough to convince her to accept the first-class tickets that arrived, pack her bikini & jump on a plane bound for paradise!
In the second installment, there’s a touch more game-play and plot. It should have been named Hot and Sexy. It was as fun as it was steamy. Everything: characters, dialogue, interaction, plot… everything was very well written. When underlying conflicts are still hinted at and secrets are revealed to one another, exposure can be one’s downfall. Very minor predictability present. There is no conclusion, rather a gaping hole for HOT & CUFFED to pick up and start filling in.


hot&cuffed3Hot & Cuffed

Book 3

Paradise turned out to be one big disaster!
With her passionate affair with the star quarterback Aiden Knight left dangling in the tropical wind, Miranda Hunter packs up her bikini and returns home, broken hearted. Just when she thinks her life couldn’t get more miserable, an armed thug threatens to rob HOT & GLAZED, the donut shop she and her sister own.
Saved by FBI Special Agent Connor O’Leary, she seeks comfort in his strong arms. Unable to resist this agent known for being an all around badass, she takes off with him to a secluded mountain cabin where inhibitions are forgotten.
Wow! This donut shop diva never knew playing with a dangerous man could be so addicting. Will her new addiction be enough to heal her heart, or will she still yearn for the sexy quarterback?


4 starMiranda can’t help but notice the hot new customer that’s been coming around and staying longer than average customers would. Never did she expect him to save her life, though.
Connor O’ Leary is a Boston Irish FBI Agent. He’s divorced and recently moved to Denver to be closer to his six-year old son.
Neither expected an attempted armed robbery moments after introductions were made, but that’s exactly what happened. The life-threatening occurrence may have amplified the mild attraction, but Miranda is still hung up on Aiden. Connor’s a gentleman, but intense and protective.
I’m a little on the fence with Miranda in this segment. The plot flows smoothly but centers primarily around an afternoon at his house followed by two days at a cabin in the mountains. The conflicting issues are still present and there’s no solid conclusions as of yet. Thankfully, the predictability is practically non-existent. To be continued… in Hot and Hooked.

book 4

hot&hooked4Hot & Hooked

Book 4

Miranda Hunter, donut shop diva and owner of HOT & GLAZED, thought she might never see Aiden Knight again. Surprise! The superstar quarterback signs up with Denver’s pro football team, moves to Colorado, and sends her a message: Aloha.
Miranda lives up to her last name. She “hunts” him down, determined to hook her man. But this time around, she has grown wiser. As their smoking-hot passion reignites, this mega-sexy pro will either have to play by her rules, her game, or lose her heart forever.


4 starThings clearly have not been the same for Miranda since leaving Hawaii.
In the final segment, Miranda is still shattered over the hottest news in Denver and is still determined to find a means to make amends for the inadvertent slip-up that occurred months ago. It just may take more than some strawberry-filled glazed donuts with sprinkles on top to get through to him though.
The characters are still a fun mix of human error and sexy sweetness. The plot flies by smoothly with plenty of dynamics and smart, snappy dialogue. The conflict between Miranda and her leading guy finally find a resolve and they get the conclusion they needed, It leaves room enough for Rachel’s serial to begin without having any major cliffhangers.

Author Bio:

profile picThe truth behind Khloe Adams is—she’s not one author but three. Plus, one of the authors is a USA TODAY Bestseller and has written over 75 books. Together, they write hot and sexy contemporary romance with a touch of humor.

Their story began when they met each other on an elevator at a Romantic Times Convention. Only this was no ordinary ride. The elevator became stuck between the fiftieth and fifty-first floors at the hotel.

But don’t get worried. They write romance, not horror.

They were trapped with a male model from the cover of several steamy romances. He kept them very entertained. Afterward, they needed a drink to cool down and headed for the nearest bar.
One thing led to another and they decided to form a partnership and write about independent women and strong, sexy guys. With the help of modern technology, they’ve managed to do it. Two of them live in Florida, and the other one lives in Colorado. A recent USA TODAY review said, “Khloe Adams writes hot with a flair—great humor.”
Their debut serial Donut Shop Divas features four bite-sized erotic romances focusing on Miranda’s story: HOT & GLAZED #1, HOT & LEI’D #2, HOT & CUFFED #3 and HOT & HOOKED #4.

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6 thoughts on “Serial Feature + Review + Giveaway: Donut Shop Divas by Khloe Adams- Books 1-4

  1. Sounds like a fun series, and I like that it’s only 4 books! Serials that drag out 12 to 15 “books” can get to be irritating – blah! BTW – the rafflecopter link for the Twitter option is broken. FYI.

  2. Thank you very, very much for all the time and hard work that went into reviewing my books and posting all the information on the site. I can’t thank you enough. You deserve 5 GLAZED donuts with extra sprinkles on top. Best wishes, Khloe Adams

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