Excerpt Reveal: 1228 Wanderlust Lane by Mandi Beck

1228 WANDERLUST LANE by Mandi Beck

1228 Wanderlust Lane is a novella and part of a 52 multi-author book series.

Welcome to Cherry Falls!

Release Date: December 28th

Genre/Tropes: Second Chance/Small Town Romance/Contemporary Romance

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I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers as if holding hands is

something we do every day. “If you had someone to go with you, where is

the first place you would go?” My voice is soft, my thumb making circles on

the back of her hand. I’m glad she’s allowing the touch.

“Hmm…that’s a tough one.” Lynnie catches her bottom lip between her

teeth as she gives the question serious thought. “I think I would start

simple. I love the mountains because they’re home, but I’ve only ever seen

them from a distance. I mean, yes, they’re in my backyard, but they’re just

a backdrop to my life. I want to really see them. Wander around the

mountainside. I would love to go walking through the wildflowers, dip my

toes into the babbling brooks, and camp under the stars,” she says


I try to process the simplicity of her request, feeling like I’ve just been

given a gift. These are things I do daily and something I can give her since

this is literally my specialty.

“We can do that.” My voice is pitched low, and I’m not sure she hears

me until her gaze collides with mine.

“W-We can?” Her eyes are wide, and snowflakes cling to her lashes.

“You couldn’t have asked me for anything easier?” I tell her on a soft

rumbling laugh. “We’ll have to wait until after winter. I mean, I can take you

snowshoeing now, but there aren’t any wildflowers or babbling brooks until

spring.” I shrug. “You won’t find a better partner to adventure with. The

mountains are a part of me, not just because that’s where I live and work

but also because they are my…peace. I’d love for you to see them the way

I do.” Gently, I move the hair stuck on her mouth, letting my thumb graze

over her plump bottom lip. With the need to kiss her growing with every

breath, I drag my gaze reluctantly from her pretty red lips because I don’t

want to spook her. “What do you say, Lynnie? Wanna go on an adventure

with me?” The question is laden with innuendo and double entendre.

She blinks as if she’s trying to translate what I’ve said or maybe to find a

way to turn me down…again. My stomach clenches in anticipation of

rejection, but I’m not willing to make it easy on her, so I wait her out. What

seems like an eternity later, but in actuality was only a few seconds, she

nods her head and whispers, “Yes. Yes, I would love that.”


She’s looking for an adventure. Lucky for her—that’s his specialty!

Jett Wild has had a thing for Evelyn “Lynnie” Branch since high school. He gave up on her the day she shot him down for prom…until now. He’s ready to settle down, and the only woman he can see himself doing that with his Lynnie. Even if she doesn’t take him seriously because of a decade-old misunderstanding.

Lynnie wants a life of travel and adventures—of all the things she reads about with the ladies…and man…in her Romance Readers of Cherry Falls book club. She never entertained the thought of having someone to do it all with, especially not a man like Jett Wild. But now it’s all she can think about, and it’s all his fault. Lately, everywhere she turns, there he is. He joined the book club. HER book club. He hangs out at Books by the Bay, engaging her in conversations about baking, and hot cocoa, and Christmas carols. Jett is ridiculously handsome and charming. Almost enough so to make her forget why she turned him down all those years ago.

It’s up to Jett to show Lynnie that she can have roots and wings—and she should have both with him. He’ll need a Christmas miracle and maybe some mistletoe to get her to take a chance on him. ’Tis the season and there’s magic in the air … he hopes.

The youngest brother of The Wild Brother’s Outdoor Adventures is about to teach the pretty bookstore owner all he knows about romance, the kind they’ve only read about.

Cherry Falls is filled with returning characters and iconic destinations that will begin to feel like family. When you leave the city and drive into Cherry Falls, it’s like you’ve finally come home.

The cherry on top? Each book delivers a swoon-worthy romance!

So welcome to Cherry Falls. We hope you stay awhile!

About Mandi Beck:

Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer.

A wife, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met even though her favorite hockey player calls her…mom.

Connect w/Mandi:

Website: https://www.authormandibeck.com

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