Review: Stirred Up by S. E. Hall and Angela Graham- Volumes 1 and 2


Stirred Up

Volumes 1 and 2

By S.E. Hall and Angela Graham



NYT, USA Today & Amazon Best Selling authors Angela Graham and S.E.Hall
Erotic stand-alone. No cliffy. 40,000+ words.
Certain men. Certain professions. Some things are just universally sexy.
But maybe not quite this sexy…
“Lay back for me.”
*Previously 2 volumes, now get the entire story in one shot.*

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5 star

Ashley’s Review

Once a year, women have that one appointment that we all look forward to (dramatic eye roll) where nothing is left private as a doctor stares at your lady bits and conducts the ole favorite of, “you’re gonna feel some pressure” before inserting a speculum and administering that annual exam.

So low and behold that while in Huntington, WV for the Rebels and Readers book event do I spot with my little green eyes, a cover so glorious that I pick it up to read the blurb on the back.

“Certain men. Certain professions. Something things are just universally sexy. But maybe not quite this sexy… Lay back for me.”

Pulling a “what the,” I ask the author Angela Graham if this is a book about a girl and her gynecologist. To my shock she affirms that yes it is a book just about that. Although insanely creepy, the plot was so unique I had to check it out, so I shoved over my $10 and couldn’t wait to break into the binding.

This book was a complete surprise! Not only was it masterfully written, evoking and touching those emotions all us ladies feel about that dreaded appointment, the plot was clever and the characters were just likeable.

Addison has always been close to her older brother, Dylan and his best friend, Brady. When Brady, a doctor, and also a close family friend advises Addison to take precautions on her health he does the unthinkable by setting her up an appointment with the only gynecologist in town. Humiliated and absolutely frightened about her upcoming first appointment, Addison takes us on a journey that has the readers laughing. From “prepping” for the appointment to the “thoughts” while waiting for the doctor, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. When in walks Mr. Reynolds, Addison is put face to face with the ultimate test, don’t panic, remain calm, and don’t maul the hot doc. Hall and Graham have created a true masterpiece with this story and not to mention a complete twist that will leave readers “oohing” and “aahing” for days to cum…..

I have rated Stirred Up with 5-meticulous stars. This book had a solid story-line, well defined and developed characters, and one mind blowing twist. The emotion the female lead is able to exemplify to the readers is honest and accurate, taking on something all women dread once a year. This is a Highly recommended read.

Author Bios:

s.e.hallS.E.Hall is the author of the Amazon Best Selling Evolve Series, Emerge, Embrace, Entangled(novella)and Entice as well as the best selling stand-alone NA Romance, Pretty Instinct. She also co-wrote Stirred Up, an erotic short-story with her CP and friend, Author Angela Graham and is honored to be a part of the USA Today and NYT Best Selling Devour box set. S.E., which stands for Stephanie Elaine, resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 beautiful daughters of the home, and one married daughter who graced her with two beautiful grandchildren. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading and writing and the occasional trip to the casino. She’s also clutch at Baggo, when it’s warm outside, and definitely the woman to pick on your side for some Flip Cup!

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angela grahamNYT and USA Today Bestselling author of the Harmony series.

Angela lives in Tipp City, Ohio with he three little darlings and a beautiful feline companion that keeps her company during late night writing binges.

Check out my Facebook page for a deleted chapter from Inevitable as well as teasers.

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Release Day Blitz + Giveaway: Handled 2 by Angela Graham and S.E. Hall- Book 2 -Conclusion

handled2-release blitz

handled 2

Handled 2 

Handled – Book 2- Conclusion

By Angela Graham & S.E. Hall


Buy: Amazon


handled 2 teaser 2

Of course this is how it goes!

When I escape outside like an immature brat, everything’s fine. When I come to help carry wood, I die. Such is the Book of Paige, an ironic tragedy.

“Listen to me,” he says determinedly. “You’re out of time. I need you to trust me, Paige. Just this once, baby, please.” It’s the absolute terror in his voice that wins me over, claiming me fully before I even notice the fear in his watery eyes as well. “Very, very slowly, bend your knees, and get down on your stomach. All your weight, flat and even, gentle, but at once. Got it?”

“Yeah,” I croak, trembling uncontrollably as I follow his exact directions. Wow, so this is what it feels like to hand control over to another person, sharing your load, risking disappointment and hurt on the off chance of gaining better, greatness even? It’s new and not completely unbearable

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By Angela Graham & S.E. Hall


Buy: Amazon

Nothing makes my cock stand at attention like my lil’ Firecracker.

She thinks she can hide behind that sharp tongue and those succulent pink lips, but it only makes her taste all the sweeter.

I can’t get enough…if only she could say the same.

Author Bios”

angela grahamI am happily married to my husband of five years, have three wonderful children and a beautiful feline companion that keeps me company during late night writing binges.


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S.E. hALL BIOS.E. Hall resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 4 beautiful daughters. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading and writing. She’s also being clutch at Baggo, when it’s warm outside!


Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


1 Winner to receive a paperback set of quickies-Stirred Up, Packaged & Handled (Part 1&2)

handled 2
