Blog Tour: Dreams Do Come True by Larynn Ford

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The vicious slaughter of cattle brings Lynzi Lancaster and her fiancé, Layne Brady, a Fae raised in the human world, to the aid of his human parents. A neighbor with a grudge has returned to the area to settle a score.

Lynzi is only mildly shocked to find the tall tales her granddaddy had told so many years ago about black panthers roaming the woods near their home were not only true but also had a twist. The animals were werepanthers.

The renegade panther believes Lynzi is a witch and threatens her life when Fae magic is performed nearby. Now, it’s up to Lynzi and Layne to bring down the big cats and keep her alive.

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The Bradys chatted, sipping their morning coffee at the kitchen table. When we breezed into the living room, neither blinked an eye at our unusual entrance. But then again, it wasn’t so unusual to them. Layne’s human parents had been aware of his dual life for much longer than I.

Mrs. Brady met us in the kitchen door. “Son, it’s good to see you. And, Lynzi, honey, we’re so glad you decided to come along.” She was busy with her own brand of multi- tasking. After hugging the two of us, she hurried back to retrieve coffee mugs for us and to tend to some other cooking she had going on the stove.

“Y’all come on in and have a seat, son. Lynzi gal, it is good to see you again. Mama just made a batch of fried apple pies here. Y’all help yourselves now.” Mr. Brady gestured to the platter piled high with the homemade turnovers.

“Lake told me about the trouble y’all are having. What else can you tell us, Daddy?” Layne asked between bites. Concern, as well as the aroma of warm apples and cinnamon, hung heavy in the air.

“We’ve lost more than two dozen cows in the last week alone, son. That newest bunch of yearlings we moved over to your place is gone, too. Lake had cut out all his young bulls to take to auction next week, now they’re all dead. Looks like wild animal kills to me. Massive-sized animals. The cows’ throats were ripped out with one bite.” Mr. Brady studied the coffee in his mug and shook his head.

“I’m sure you’ve already run this by Tom. What was his take on it?” Layne’s brow knit closer together. His expression echoed his daddy’s pain now that we had heard how serious the matter had become.

“He helped us examine and dispose of the carcasses. Some of the kills were consumed as food, but most of them seemed to be slaughtered for no reason. Just killed and left to rot where they lay. He did his own brand of investigating and agreed cats were to blame but I’m sure his people hold fast to the laws Tom set down when they moved into the area. They’re our neighbors and we all look out for one another. They promised years ago to hold their hunting to the national forest area and I’m positive Tom wouldn’t stand for any other behavior. It appears to be another group of cats that have moved into the area. We just can’t figure out who they are or where they came from.”

Mrs. Brady studied me for a minute and placed one hand on the arms of each of the men at her sides. “Layne, have you told Lynzi about any of this?”

“Well, Mama, she actually heard stories about the cats living in the area from her granddaddy when she was a little girl. He was the only one who ever got a good look at them. He spotted ‘em several times on the edge of the fields he was plowing but since no one else ever saw much more than a blur, they weren’t sure what that movement was. I confirmed her granddaddy’s stories and filled in the other facts about Tom and his family.” Layne reached for my hand and winked. “It wasn’t a huge surprise after I revealed my life to her. And believe me, I learned real fast to be open and upfront about everything. She’s a bit of a wildcat herself if she thinks I’m keeping secrets . . . or if someone threatens her family. I call her my little Lynx.” Layne smiled and leaned down, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

larynnAuthor Bio

Larynn Ford began reading romance in her early teens and became interested in writing in high school. She’s a daydreamer and a romantic who is intrigued by the paranormal and loves to let her mind wander, always searching for a happily ever after ending to her dreams.

At home in East Central Alabama, she worked as a cook and cashier before becoming a wife and mother, earned an education degree, taught school and worked in customer service. All the while her daydreams stacked up in the archives of her mind.

She finally put some of those ideas on paper and began writing in 2009 hoping her dream of publication would one day come true.

In 2010, she joined Romance Writers of America and enjoys her support group, the Southern Magic chapter in Birmingham, Alabama.

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ARC Review: Rescued by Larynn Ford




Fiercely independent and determined to be taken seriously in a man’s world, PI Rose Baxter will do whatever it takes to find the kids who are disappearing from the streets and bring them home safe, even teaming up with PI Marty Brown, a man hot enough to burn whatever part of her gets too close – her fingers, her sheets, her life, and her other nature’s whiskers.

But her other nature knows whiskers grow back and will accept nothing less than this man as her mate for life, a plan Marty’s all in on. Sparks fly when she refuses to be the little woman. Besides, those kids need her and their time’s running out. But, thrown together 24/7 can she fight it?


The mattress moaned slightly in response to an unseen and unexpected movement. Her eyes snapped open and focused on the room, moving up, down, side-to-side. She didn’t recognize a single thing in her line of view. A rush of air flooded her lungs in a panicked gasp. She wasn’t where she should be.

In her own bed.
Damn. Where am I and how did I end up here? Double damn.

Her last memory? The bar. Jed’s Place. She’d received a tip from her source that her suspect had slithered inside. Arriving a few minutes later, she kept an eye on him and his cohorts for a couple of hours. Posing as a customer, she shot a couple of games of eight ball with some of the regulars.

Her eyes narrowed. Her head pounded as she recalled the next events.

Nothing stood out until . . . the asshole from the pool table sidled up way too close behind her and tried to score points by offering shooting tips. She stretched up on her tiptoes to line up the winning shot. His groin pressed tight against her bottom. His hands slid down her arms to her wrists as he whispered, “Let me give you a hand there, little lady.”

Without flinching, she purred, “I’m not little, I’m nobody’s lady, and I don’t need your help.” She slammed the butt end of the cue stick into his ribs, and with the same smooth motion came back to make a perfect shot and win her third game of the night. She straightened from the table with a satisfied grin.

Buy Rescued on Amazon!

4 star read

Tracey’s Review

Rose Baxter and Marty Brown are both private investigators, looking into the disappearance of runaways and street kids. They decide early on that they’ll be more successful working together. It doesn’t hurt that they’re also completely drawn to each other, although they’re not sure why. The details of who and what Rose and Marty really are, along with their intense attraction to each other, are what define ‘Rescued’ as the paranormal romance that it is.

Paranormal is one of my favorite sub-genres to read. I mean, what’s not to love? There’s the romance, there’s the sexiness and heat, and there’s that quirk that takes it to the next level. When you get an interesting storyline thrown in as well, it makes for one of the more satisfying reads, in my opinion.

Larynn Ford has done a good job of weaving all of these elements together in ‘Rescued.’ Rose and Marty are likeable and down-to-earth. They’re invested in finding the answers to the case that they’re working, but they’re also open to the new feelings that emerge when they get to know each other, so the flow of the story is very nice and easy. The plot of the mystery part of the story is fresh and fast-paced, and held my interest throughout. I am always happy to find a new author that I like, and so I look forward to reading more from Larynn.

larynnAuthor Bio

Larynn Ford began reading romance in her early teens and became interested in writing in high school. She’s a daydreamer and a romantic who is intrigued by the paranormal and loves to let her mind wander, always searching for a happily ever after ending to her dreams.

At home in East Central Alabama, she worked as a cook and cashier before becoming a wife and mother, earned an education degree, taught school and worked in customer service. All the while her daydreams stacked up in the archives of her mind.

She finally put some of those ideas on paper and began writing in 2009 hoping her dream of publication would one day come true.

In 2010, she joined Romance Writers of America and enjoys her support group, the Southern Magic chapter in Birmingham, Alabama.

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