New Release + Release Blitz: The Wives by Tarryn Fisher


THE WIVES by Tarryn Fisher is LIVE!!!

“You’ll have whiplash until the very end.”—New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover

New York Times bestselling author Tarryn Fisher delivers a pulse-pounding, fast-paced suspense novel that will leave you breathless. A thriller you won’t be able to put down!

Thursday’s husband, Seth, has two other wives. She’s never met them, and she doesn’t know anything about them. She agreed to this unusual arrangement because she’s so crazy about him.

But one day, she finds something. Something that tells a very different—and horrifying—story about the man she married.

What follows is one of the most twisted, shocking thrillers you’ll ever read.

You’ll have to grab a copy to find out why.





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Tarryn Fisher is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of nine novels. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, she immigrated to America with her parents at the age of thirteen. She spent the next eighteen years in South Florida, where she earned her degree in Psychology. A sun hater, she currently makes her home in Seattle, Washington, with her children, husband and psychotic husky. Tarryn writers about villains and loves connecting with her readers on Instagram (@TarrynFisher, 61.9k followers). Visit her at for more information, or check out her fashion blog at Tarryn is a Slytherin.







New Release + Release Blitz + Excerpt + Trailer + Giveaway: Jackal by Tarryn Fisher and Willow Aster

Jackal is LIVE and FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Are you ready to meet the next End Man?

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Jackal Emerson has never taken himself seriously. Dubbed the “orgy king,” he’s renowned for his reputation as the wild End Man. But with the uprising on the horizon and his best friend missing, Jackal is having a hard time living the same carefree existence.

And then he meets a thief and everything changes.

Phoenix Moyo, principal dancer of a notorious ballet company, lives a life of rigidity. When her world collides with Jackal’s, their chemistry is evident to everyone except her. Forced to work with him to steal the most precious commodity of the Regions, she realizes too late that there is no escaping Jackal’s charisma.

When unimaginable crimes come to light, the Regions begin to crumble. No one is safe. Families divide and secrets are exposed, danger running rampant on every side. For some, sacrifice costs everything.

Book 2 in the End of Men Series.

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“Without the risk of getting hurt, there is no probability of falling in love,” I tell her. “Vulnerability and love go hand in hand.”

“That must be why all the men are gone.” She smirks. “With that sort of logic, it’s no wonder.”

I take her in—smooth, honey skin that smells like apples, the broad bridge of her nose and arched nostrils. I don’t know how to tell her that back then men were not the romantics. The things we had left of the past: the movies, and the books, and the stories, were things hoped for, not seen.

I lean close so that my mouth is next to her ear, my lips brushing her skin.

“There is no logic in love, little thief. It starts small and grows into something very big and endless. Something you’re willing to die for. Don’t you long to feel something like that? Instead of all the emptiness you’re so used to…”

She pulls back and stares me right in the face. I can’t help myself. The quirky little corner of her mouth is raised like she’s mocking me, probably not the best time to kiss a woman. But I drop my head anyway and kiss her, letting my tongue softly graze her bottom lip. She pauses, her breath sucking in, and then she pushes away from me. For a moment, it’s just the two of us facing each other on the dance floor, the cider lights speckling our faces, and then as abruptly as she pulled away, she turns on her heel and leaves. I smile as I watch her go, her steps unsure like she’s dizzy.

“Dancers don’t get dizzy,” I call after her.


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Tarryn Fisher is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of nine novels. Born a sun hater, she currently makes her home in Seattle, Washington with her children, husband, and psychotic husky. Tarryn writes about villains.







Willow Aster is the author of True Love Story, In the Fields, Maybe Maby, Fade to Red, and Lilith. She’s also the co-author of Folsom, The End of Men series with Tarryn Fisher. Willow loves nothing more than writing the day away—anywhere will do. Her husband and two children graciously put up with her endless daydreaming and make fun of her for reading while cooking.






Start reading book 1 – FOLSOM – today!

Folsom is LIVE and FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

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New Release + Release Blitz + Excerpt + Playlist + Giveaway: Folsom by Tarryn Fisher and Willow Aster

We are so excited for the release of FOLSOM by the dynamic writing duo Fisher & Aster!

Start Folsom today!

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The nation as we know it is a thing of the past.

With the male species on the verge of extinction, a society called the End Men is formed to save the world. Folsom Donahue is one of twelve men whose sole purpose is to repopulate the Regions. The endless days spent having sex with strangers leaves Folsom with an emptiness no amount of women, money, or status can fill.

Until Gwen.

Gwen has wanted a child for as long as she can remember, but when she finally gets a chance to have her own, she uncovers a long hidden truth. The injustice she sees moves her to help save the men whom no one else believes need saving.

A forbidden love, grown in a time of despair, ignites a revolution.

Folsom and Gwen, torn between their love for each other and their sense of duty, must make a choice. But some will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Folsom is book one of the End of Men series.

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It’s the little one who interests me, her hair more tangled than her sister’s, like she didn’t bother with it at all. Her eyes are curious and wild: brown, common and yet uncommon in the way they slant upward at the outside corners. She stands in the foyer, her hands clasped at her waist, but instead of studying my body like most women do, her head is tilted to the side, eyes fixed on my boots. I clear my throat to get her attention and she drags her eyes away from my feet and back to my face. She frowns and shakes her head like she’s just realizing where she is.

“Your boots are beautiful,” she finally says. From somewhere beside me her sister groans and her mother lets out what I take as an embarrassed laugh.

“Thank you,” I say, unable to keep the humor from my voice. “I designed them myself.” I don’t usually tell people that but she seems genuinely interested.

“You design clothes?” she asks, surprised.

“You’re surprised that I’m good at something other than fucking?”

Her mother makes a choking noise, but we both ignore it, our attention solely focused.

“Yes, I’m quite surprised,” she says. “Though I can’t attest personally to the fucking part…”

“Yet,” I say.

“Yet,” she echoes, with a slight nod of her head.


The End Men: Folsom


Tarryn Fisher is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of nine novels. Born a sun hater, she currently makes her home in Seattle, Washington with her children, husband, and psychotic husky. Tarryn writes about villains.






Willow Aster is the author of True Love Story, In the Fields, Maybe Maby, Fade to Red, and Lilith. Willow loves nothing more than writing the day away—anywhere will do. Her husband and two children graciously put up with her endless daydreaming and make fun of her for reading while cooking.

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Teaser + Excerpt + Playlist: Folsom by Tarryn Fisher and Willow Aster

We are so excited to share an excerpt and teaser for Folsom by writing duo Tarryn Fisher and Willow Aster coming on May 29th!

Excerpt from FOLSOM:

I stop dead in my tracks. There’s someone else in here. At first I see only boots, large boots, too big for a woman. He hears me come in and perches forward on the sink to peer around the corner.

“You can’t read or you don’t care?” he asks.

At first I’m too shocked to know what he’s talking about, then I remember the Out of Order sign on the door.

“I can’t read,” I say. “I’m just another stupid woman trying to have a baby.”

He laughs. It bounces across the bathroom walls and hits me in the chest.

“Well, at least you have a sense of humor, stupid woman.”

I’m witnessing the very serious and stern Folsom Donahue laughing. I stand there staring at him, not knowing what to do.

And then I ask. “Are you hiding, too?”

“In plain sight,” he says. “Who are you hiding from?”


“How’s that working out for you?”

I eye his casual stance, the large hands resting behind him on the sink, the crossed ankles. “Not well, since you’re here.”

He laughs again, this time just a slow rumble while he watches my face.

“I have to go,” he says, pushing away from the counter. He walks toward me and my heart races. I’ve never been this close to a man. He’s just trying to get to the door, I tell myself. But, then he stops so he’s towering over me. I have to bend my head back to see his face.

“Have a good night,” he says. And I learn for the first time what a smirk is. Full lips … teasing … I blink at him, my lips parting to answer, but then he’s gone and I’m not even sure it really happened.



Synopsis for FOLSOM:

The nation as we know it is a thing of the past.

With the male species on the verge of extinction, a society called the End Men is formed to save the world. Folsom Donahue is one of twelve men whose sole purpose is to repopulate the Regions. The endless days spent having sex with strangers leaves Folsom with an emptiness no amount of women, money, or status can fill.

Until Gwen.

Gwen has wanted a child for as long as she can remember, but when she finally gets a chance to have her own, she uncovers a long hidden truth. The injustice she sees moves her to help save the men whom no one else believes need saving.

A forbidden love, grown in a time of despair, ignites a revolution.

Folsom and Gwen, torn between their love for each other and their sense of duty, must make a choice. But some will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Folsom is book one of the End of Men series.




The End Men: Folsom


Tarryn Fisher’s Links:


Tarryn Fisher is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of nine novels. Born a sun hater, she currently makes her home in Seattle, Washington with her children, husband, and psychotic husky. Tarryn writes about villains.










Willow Aster’s links:

Willow Aster is the author of True Love Story, In the Fields, Maybe Maby, Fade to Red, and Lilith. Willow loves nothing more than writing the day away—anywhere will do. Her husband and two children graciously put up with her endless daydreaming and make fun of her for reading while cooking.




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New Release + 6 Star Review + 2017 Favorite: Atheist Who Kneel And Pray by Tarryn Fisher

SURPRISE! #AWKAP is LIVE!!! Who’s ready for Yara and David?
Available NOW on

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Atheists Who Kneel And Pray

By Tarryn Fisher

Buy: Amazon

Yara Phillips is a wandering muse.

She dates men who need her, but always moves on to something new, never staying in one place for very long.

David Lisey is in need of a muse.

A talented musician lacking lyrical inspiration. When he first sees her, he knows he’s found what he’s been looking for.

Yara believes she can give David exactly what he needs to reach his full potential:

A broken heart.

David’s religion is love.

Yara’s religion is heartache.

Neither is willing to surrender, but religion always requires sacrifice.


Yara’s Yesterday Spotify List:


Dear Yara,

The bands in London, November 12th. Want to catch up?


So casual. So nonchalant. You’d think we were only acquaintances, that we’d once sipped a couple of beers together instead of tattooing love on our skin and reciting marriage vows. I read the e-mail again and analyze the shit out of it. How can I not? I count out the words: thirteen. The punctuation: four. His name, my name. A flippant, casual turn of phrase: catch up. In the end, there’s only so much psychoanalyzing you can do to a thirteen-word e-mail. I move on with my life, feeling rather pathetic. But not before I e-mail him back. And okay, sure, I don’t move on with my life. What does that even entail? Forgetting? Forgiving? Being happy? Besides, I know what he wants to talk about. I know why he’s coming.

Hi David,

Yeah, sounds good. Let me know when and where.


My e-mail is a word shorter.

I’m that petty.


Robin’s Review

With the words of her new contemporary romance, author Tarryn Fisher swept me to the heights of relationship bliss, then lulled me into a fear of impending doom. She shattered my lovesick heart, but then healed it and made me whole again. Right alongside the primary characters, I experienced ALL of the emotions in what may be one of the best romance novels of 2017 – Atheists Who Kneel and Pray!

Hailing from London, England, Yara Phillips has become a drifter. Every few months, she travels from one U.S. city to the next for a fresh start. David Lisey spots her through the front window of The Jane in Seattle, Washington, where she works as a bartender. And that’s when he knows. The lead singer of Lazarus Come Forth has found his muse. From the moment David pulls a splinter out of her thumb, he sparks her interest. Yara might be willing to be his muse, but at what cost?

Reminiscent of Caleb and Olivia from her first novel, The Opportunist, Tarryn Fisher made me fall in love HARD with David and Yara! David’s pursuit of Yara is delightful! Their conversations and flirting are endearing. The chemistry between them is palpable. Their connection is undeniable. Their love story is a journey, an experience which will cause them both to grow as individuals.

Tarryn Fisher’s writing is exemplary. She is deeply detailed in her descriptions of the sights and locations of her hometown. The businesses, landmarks and people of Seattle, London and Paris come alive through her words. Colors, buildings, and scenes were painted as visuals in my imagination as I turned the pages of the book. With some of the best descriptive writing that I’ve ever read, the whole feel of Atheists Who Kneel and Pray lures me to the Pacific Northwest.

Tarryn Fisher is skilled at drawing emotions and feelings out of her readers. You’ll find this especially true with her manuscript of Atheists Who Kneel and Pray. I encountered a broad spectrum of emotions while reading this novel, ranging from joyful exhilaration to feeling a great sense of loss. Fisher’s writing is a form of art. In this story, you’ll find it meticulous and poetic, vibrant and evocative.

Every once and a while, you come across a book that touches your heart in ways you can’t explain. It’s just special. For me, that book is Atheists Who Kneel and Pray, and I can’t wait to find the time to read it again! I’m honored to give Tarryn Fisher a 6-star review and will be adding this book to my list of 2017 favorites!


Tarryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. She immigrated to America with her parents when she was thirteen, and spent the next eighteen years in South Florida where she earned her degree in Psychology, wrote her first novel, and had two children. In 2012, on a whim, she moved her family to Seattle, Washington where she currently makes her home safely away from the sun. Tarryn is the founder of Guise of the Villain, a fashion blog, and has written eleven published novels. Tarryn is a Slytherin.









Release Blitz + Excerpt + Giveaway: Atheists Who Kneel And Pray by Tarryn Fisher

SURPRISE! #AWKAP is LIVE!!! Who’s ready for Yara and David?
Available NOW on

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA | iTunes | B&N

Atheists Who Kneel And Pray

By Tarryn Fisher

Buy: Amazon

Yara Phillips is a wandering muse.

She dates men who need her, but always moves on to something new, never staying in one place for very long.

David Lisey is in need of a muse.

A talented musician lacking lyrical inspiration. When he first sees her, he knows he’s found what he’s been looking for.

Yara believes she can give David exactly what he needs to reach his full potential:

A broken heart.

David’s religion is love.

Yara’s religion is heartache.

Neither is willing to surrender, but religion always requires sacrifice.


Yara’s Yesterday Spotify List:


Dear Yara,

The bands in London, November 12th. Want to catch up?


So casual. So nonchalant. You’d think we were only acquaintances, that we’d once sipped a couple of beers together instead of tattooing love on our skin and reciting marriage vows. I read the e-mail again and analyze the shit out of it. How can I not? I count out the words: thirteen. The punctuation: four. His name, my name. A flippant, casual turn of phrase: catch up. In the end, there’s only so much psychoanalyzing you can do to a thirteen-word e-mail. I move on with my life, feeling rather pathetic. But not before I e-mail him back. And okay, sure, I don’t move on with my life. What does that even entail? Forgetting? Forgiving? Being happy? Besides, I know what he wants to talk about. I know why he’s coming.

Hi David,

Yeah, sounds good. Let me know when and where.


My e-mail is a word shorter.

I’m that petty.


Tarryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. She immigrated to America with her parents when she was thirteen, and spent the next eighteen years in South Florida where she earned her degree in Psychology, wrote her first novel, and had two children. In 2012, on a whim, she moved her family to Seattle, Washington where she currently makes her home safely away from the sun. Tarryn is the founder of Guise of the Villain, a fashion blog, and has written eleven published novels. Tarryn is a Slytherin.









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5 Star Review: Bad Mommy by Tarryn Fisher


Bad Mommy

By Tarryn Fisher

Buy: Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon CA



When Fig Coxbury buys a house on West Barrett Street, it’s not because she likes the neighborhood, or even because she likes the house. It’s because everything she desires is next door: The husband, the child, and the life that belongs to someone else.



Robin’s Review

Known best for her artistic writing style, author Tarryn Fisher has a huge following who seem to hang on her every word. She gave readers a huge Christmas gift this year when she pulled the trigger on a novel on Christmas Eve, and this time it’s a psychological thriller. Bad Mommy is a cautionary tale, with each of three parts being a character study on the individual portrayed: Fig Coxbury, Darius Avery, and Jolene Avery. The true strength of Bad Mommy lies in how flawlessly Fisher depicts each character.

Through inner dialogue and actions, Fisher absolutely NAILS painting Fig as a psychopath. With eyes fixated on the Avery family, Fig gradually inserts herself into the lives of Jolene, Darius and their daughter, Mercy. But she doesn’t stop there. Not only does Fig invade their lives, but she thinks she can be a better Jolene. She stalks. Copies. Manipulates. Deceives. Uses diversion tactics. Because Fig has a goal and nothing will stop her from reaching it.

Our perception of Darius shifts when we begin reading from his point of view. We begin to see Darius as a narcissistic sociopath, a psychiatrist who enjoys playing games. He knows mental illness when he sees it, and he uses his career to his advantage – especially with women who are vulnerable and need affirmation. While Darius collects proof of his conquests, the noose around his neck tightens. Because the biggest game of his life? It’s taking place at his own home.

And then we have humble, trusting Jolene. The forgiving writer who – at the drop of a hat – would do anything to help a friend in need. Even when red flags are flying. Jolene’s perspective is outstanding. She’s kind. Skeptical. Curious. Funny. Grouchy. Manic. The inner dialogue is completely believable considering the circumstances she’s in. Fisher is known for her big heart and giving nature throughout the indie author world. So as I read from Jolene’s point of view, I questioned if Fisher wrote about herself.

For me, Bad Mommy felt like reading perfection. It’s one of Fisher’s finest manuscripts. The dialogue between characters is entertaining. Her writing is nearly flawless, with inner dialogue being key to revealing the psychology behind each character. The progression of character relationships as the plot thickens is riveting. And as I said before, Fisher portrays her characters just flawlessly. Is Bad Mommy truth or fiction? Maybe a little of both? Either way, this 5-star cautionary tale is one of my VERY favorites of the 2016 year!



Tarryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. She immigrated to America with her parents when she was thirteen, and spent the next eighteen years in South Florida where she earned her degree in Psychology, wrote her first novel, and had two children. In 2012, on a whim, she moved her family to Seattle, Washington where she currently makes her home safely away from the sun. Tarryn is the founder of Guise of the Villain, a fashion blog, and has written ten published novels. Tarryn is a Slytherin.

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Tarryn is giving away a Kindle, $10 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of Bad Mommy via Rafflecopter.

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Release Blitz + Giveaway: Bad Mommy by Tarryn Fisher


Bad Mommy

By Tarryn Fisher

Buy: Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon CA



When Fig Coxbury buys a house on West Barrett Street, it’s not because she likes the neighborhood, or even because she likes the house. It’s because everything she desires is next door: The husband, the child, and the life that belongs to someone else.



Tarryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. She immigrated to America with her parents when she was thirteen, and spent the next eighteen years in South Florida where she earned her degree in Psychology, wrote her first novel, and had two children. In 2012, on a whim, she moved her family to Seattle, Washington where she currently makes her home safely away from the sun. Tarryn is the founder of Guise of the Villain, a fashion blog, and has written ten published novels. Tarryn is a Slytherin.

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Tarryn is giving away a Kindle, $10 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of Bad Mommy via Rafflecopter.

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New Year’s Day Ch 1 Exclusive: F*ck Love by Tarryn Fisher

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F*ck Love by Tarryn Fisher

New Year’s Day Ch 1 Exclusive


Helena Conway has fallen in love.



But not unprovoked. Kit Isley is everything she’s not—unstructured, untethered, and not even a little bit careful.

It could all be so beautiful…if he wasn’t dating her best friend. Helena must defy her heart, do the right thing, and think of others.

Until she doesn’t.




Chapter One


“You are supposed to be with me.”

What words are these? They startle me, and at first I think I’ve heard him wrong. He’s leaning across the table while our significant others are twenty feet away, waiting in line for our food.

“You and me,” he says. “Not us and them.”

I blink at him before I realize he’s making a joke. I laugh and go back to looking at my magazine. Actually, it’s not really a magazine. It’s a math journal, because I’m super cool like that.

“Helena…” I don’t look up right away. I’m afraid to. If I look up and see that he’s not joking, everything will change.

“Helena.” He reaches out and touches my hand. I jump, pull back. My chair makes a horrid scraping sound, and Neil looks over. I pretend that I dropped something and reach under the table. Under the table are our shoes and legs. There is a blue crayon lying at my feet; I pick it up and resurface.

Neil is at the front of the line ordering our food, and my best friend’s boyfriend is waiting for my response, his eyes heavy with burden.

“Are you drunk?” I hiss. “What the fuck?”

“No,” he says. Though he doesn’t look so sure. For the first time, I notice the scruff on his face. The skin around his eyes is sallow. He’s going through something, maybe? Life is being bullshit.

“If this is a joke, you’re making me really uncomfortable,” I tell him. “Della is right there. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I only have ten minutes, Helena.” His eyes move to the blue crayon, which is resting between our hands.

“Ten minutes for what? You’re sweating,” I say. “Did you take something, are you on the crack?” What type of drugs make you sweat like that? Crack? Heroine?

I want Neil and Della to come back. I want everything to go back to normal. I spin around to see where they are.


“Stop saying my name like that.” My voice shakes. I make to stand up, but he grabs the crayon, then my hand.

“I don’t have much time. Let me show you.”

He’s sitting very still, but his eyes remind me of a cornered animal: frightened, panicked, bright. I’ve never seen that look on his face, but since Della’s only been dating him for a few months, it’s a moot point. I don’t really know this guy. He could be a druggie for all I know. He turns my hand over so it’s palm up, and I let him. I don’t know why, but I do.

He places the crayon in my palm and closes my fist around it.

“You have to say it out loud,” he says. “Show me, Kit.”

“Say it, Helena. Please. I’m afraid of what will happen if you don’t.”

Because he looks so afraid, I say it.

“Show me, Kit.” And then, “Should I know what this is?”  

“No one should,” he says. And then everything goes black.

FL jacketFL teaser 2tarrynauthorpicupdatedTarryn Fisher’s Bio

Tarryn Fisher is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of seven novels.  Her newest novel, F*ck Love, will release in early 2016 and she is currently working on the third installment of Never Never. She is the co-founder of Clothed Caption, a fashion blog she runs with her friend, Madison Seidler. Tarryn resides in the Seattle area with her family. She loves rainy days, Coke, and thinks Instagram is the new Facebook.  Tarryn is represented by Amy Tannenbaum of the Jane Rotrosen Agency.

Author Links:





Blog Tour + Review + Giveaway: Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

Happy Release Day to Marrow by Tarryn Fisher! We are so excited to be sharing the release of another much anticipated book from this amazing author!!


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In the Bone there is a house.

In the house there is a girl.

In the girl there is a darkness.

Margo is not like other girls. She lives in a derelict neighborhood called the Bone, in a cursed house, with her cursed mother, who hasn’t spoken to her in over two years. She lives her days feeling invisible. It’s not until she develops a friendship with her wheelchair-bound neighbor, Judah Grant, that things begin to change. When neighborhood girl, seven-year-old Nevaeh Anthony, goes missing, Judah sets out to help Margo uncover what happened to her.

What Margo finds changes her, and with a new perspective on life, she’s determined to find evil and punish it–targeting rapists and child molesters, one by one.

But hunting evil is dangerous, and Margo risks losing everything, including her own soul.



Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords



4.5 Star

Robin’s Review

In her new psychological thriller, Tarryn Fisher writes about an imaginary town in Washington State named Bone Harbor. The inhabitants of The Bone are impoverished. There is little hope for a better life. As the children of The Bone grow older, their life force is drained. Faith is missing. Depression is commonplace. People are undereducated, desperate, mentally incapable and abused. Criminal activity is widespread. Folks numb themselves with alcohol. Malnourishment is prevalent. If you are raised in The Bone, in The Bone you will remain.

What was the inspiration behind writing Marrow? Children suffering for the sins of their parents. People hurting each other. Individuals crying out for help. The lack of a voice for those who are persecuted. Fisher wrote a letter to readers that can be found at the end of her novel. Marrow was borne as a way for her to cope with feelings of hopelessness for people who suffer. If Tarryn Fisher could not take vengeance on behalf of a suffering child, she decided Margo Moon would do it for her.

Margo narrates her own story. We first meet her at the age of thirteen. She lives with her prostitute mother in the “eating house” on Wessex Street. Margo gradually paints a picture of decline in the relationship with her mother after the early years of her life. She befriends Judah Grant, a handsome boy who is confined to a wheelchair. Judah lives just a few houses down the street from Margo, and he is her only friend. Judah becomes a source of encouragement and support for Margo, even when life in The Bone continues to be oppressive. When a young girl from their neighborhood goes missing, Margo and Judah join the search to find her. Margo is observant. Her eyes are slowly opening, and the truth that she sees sparks an anger that irrevocably changes her life.

Why choose the name Marrow? Marrow is a metaphor for the essential self. It’s your very essence. Marrow is a psychological thriller, but it’s also a character study of Margo Moon. Fisher’s background in psychology was beneficial in crafting this novel. Margo undergoes a dramatic transformation during her teenage years. She’s determined to find a way to leave The Bone. She is incredibly angry at the injustice she sees. She is no longer meek. Margo wants vengeance for all of the innocents. She follows her own moral code and delivers her own form of justice. Fisher calls it “poetic vengeance.”

Marrow is like nothing I have ever read. Tarryn Fisher’s writing style is creative, poetic and brilliant – it always has been – but she really steps up her game with Marrow. It’s a very intelligent story from both a societal and psychological perspective. Getting inside of Margo’s head was both dark and disturbing. Flashes of Fisher’s witty sense of humor are peppered throughout the story to help temper the darkness. It was fascinating for me to follow the slow deterioration of Margo’s reasoning – her descent into becoming a sociopath. Although there are places where the story was slow, I do feel much of Margo’s inner dialogue is necessary to see the gradual changes to her personality. When Marrow begins to feel like a psychological thriller? That’s when you really find out what’s in Margo’s marrow!

If you are interested in Marrow, you should consider reading Mud Vein (also written by Tarryn Fisher) first. Although Mud Vein and Marrow are meant to stand alone, the plots of both novels are loosely tied together. In my opinion, reading Mud Vein before Marrow will significantly improve your reading experience. If you love reading dark thrillers, I highly recommend 4.5 star Marrow!





Tarryn Fisher is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of six novels. Her newest novel, Marrow, just released in April 2015 and she is currently working on the second installment of Never Never. She is the co-founder of Clothed Caption, a fashion blog she runs with her friend, Madison Seidler. Tarryn resides in the Seattle area with her family. She loves rainy days, Coke, and thinks Instagram is the new Facebook. Tarryn is represented by Amy Tannenbaum of the Jane Rotrosen Agency.

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Kindle Copies of Marrow

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